About Jen

Hey there ~ I'm Jennifer!

But my family calls me Jenny, and you can call me Jen!

I am a Certified Primal Question coach, writer, and speaker. I’m madly in love with my husband of 28 years. We met when I was 17 years old and he was 23. We fell FAST and HARD for each other. Two weeks after we married, we set out on an adventure and moved to Montana. With just our cars and a small Uhaul truck filled with random furniture from our parents, we said goodbye to everything we knew to start our journey 1,000 miles away from home.

Over 28 years, we raised five kids and experienced job losses, weight gain, lost trust, and all the ups and downs life brings. At one point in my marriage, I believed the lie that I would be happier without my husband.

I got wrapped up in fairness, what I wasn’t getting, and I became hyper-focused on his faults. I started to believe a dangerous lie:

I am a better person. I deserve better.

Too honest? Well, it’s time we start having a candid conversation about why a majority (not all) of divorces can be prevented.

Ready for some hard truth?

I’m not a better person. And you’re not a better person.

We’re all broken people trying to make it work.

But someone needs to call a “timeout” and put the brakes on the endless disconnected cycles we participate in. And Mama, that person can be you. How? That’s where I come in…

I guide my clients through a journey of REFRAMING: They regain connection, rebuild trust, and reignite intimacy with their husbands.

If this sounds like something you’re interested in, schedule your FREE 30-minute call with me today! Together we’ll see if what I do to guide my clients is a good fit for you!

Just remember, what you see today does not have to stay.

We now have love, friendship, and chemistry that neither could have imagined. We will lose everything when we lose hope and allow fear to control our circumstances. But when we REFRAME our thinking, we can change our behavior and, ultimately, our reality!

Blessings ~ Jen

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I see you checkin' out the button. Just do it, Mama!

If you’re tired of having the same conversation over and over with your spouse, it’s time to REFRAME.