Parenting Teenagers

I often worry about the safety of my child, especially the one rolling their eyes at me and talking back.

Do you resonate with me? Then I dare you to enter the world of “Parenting Teenagers.” I promise you’ll feel more confident about your parenting after spending some time here!

I'm Jennifer Johnson

I am a coach, writer, and speaker.

Having been married for 28 years, I have experienced the difficulties that arise when unexpected hardships and pain cause erosion of trust and intimacy. The resulting feelings of despair and fear can be overwhelming and hard to overcome.

Luckily you don’t have to figure it out alone. With my 11+ years of coaching women and my experience transforming my broken marriage into a flourishing and passionate relationship, I know what it takes to help women reframe and rebuild the life they want.

Schedule your discovery call today, and let’s talk. Click HERE.

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I see you checkin' out the button. Just do it, Mama!

If you’re tired of having the same conversation over and over with your spouse, it’s time to REFRAME.