Hi Friends! I'm Jennifer Johnson

What is Living Reframed?

Living Reframed means simply changing your perspective and reframing the narrative you believe about your current situation. When you reframe your thinking, you change your emotions, behavior, and, ultimately, your reality!

The Power of Reframing in Your Marriage

Without deliberate effort, marriages will grow apart over time. I am here to guide you through the process and offer support. Although it won’t happen overnight, you will eventually experience more peace, joy, and unity in your marriage once you learn the power of reframing. You will wake up with a renewed sense of purpose and optimism. The best part of this journey is that you’ll gain unshakable confidence, regardless of how your marriage progresses.

If these are the things you’re looking for, click on the button below to schedule a Discovery Call. We’ll see if what I do to support clients is a good fit for you!

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If you’re tired of having the same conversation over and over with your spouse, it’s time to REFRAME.