Why Secrets Are Relationship Landmines: Breaking the Silence

We had been married for two years and had just brought home our first puppy. Our house was brimming with excitement and cuteness overload from our baby golden retriever’s puppy rolls, wet nose, and floppy ears. As our friends and family giggled while they played with him in the backyard, I slipped away to grab a sweatshirt. Quickly, I grabbed my husband’s oversized grey sweatshirt hanging in the closet and slipped my hands into the pockets. Immediately, my fingers found a piece of paper, and I pulled it out to see an 800 number written down. I knew in my gut that something was amiss, but to this day, I have no idea why I called it so fast. My heart raced as the ringtone blared in my ear. My heart sank as I realized that it was a sex number. As a young bride who was admittedly insecure and still trying to figure out who I was, this “secret” devastated me. My entire foundation and what I thought was true ripped out from under me. I crumpled the paper, pasted on a smile, and joined our friends to celebrate our new puppy. My stomach turned, my palms were sweaty, and pain surged through my body when my eyes met my husband’s.

How Secrets Destroy Relationships



We’ve all been there.

Why are secrets so detrimental to our relationships? Whether you’ve been married for six months or two decades or are newly engaged, it’s crucial to break the silence and ask the tough questions. Are we keeping secrets, and how do we feel about secrets in our relationship?

This post is about breaking the silence—Why secrets are relationship landmines.

This post addresses a common pitfall often hidden in the shadows: secrets. Like concealed landmines beneath the surface, secrets have a destructive power that can slowly erode the bedrock of any relationship.

Why is silence treacherous territory for relationships? After reading this post, you’ll better understand why secrets are akin to relationship landmines waiting to detonate. We’ll delve into the psychology behind secrets, their devastating impact on trust and intimacy, and the imperative role of open communication. Moreover, I’ll provide actionable strategies, like utilizing the Seven Primal Questions to diffuse these relationship landmines, helping you rebuild, restore, and strengthen the foundation of trust.

Let’s learn how breaking the silence can save your relationship and pave the way for a more profound, authentic connection between you and your partner.

Understanding the Psychology of Secrets: Secrets Are Relationship Landmines

This section unravels the intricate web of human psychology that often compels individuals to harbor secrets within relationships. The propensity to keep secrets is deeply rooted in various psychological aspects, which must be understood to grasp their impact on relationships.

The Motivation to Tell a Secret

At its core, the decision to keep secrets stems from complex motivations. People may withhold information due to fear of judgment, a desire to avoid conflict, or the belief that the truth may hurt their partner. Sometimes, people protect themselves or their loved ones from potential emotional pain, embarrassment, or disappointment. The fear of rejection or abandonment can also contribute to the decision to keep certain things hidden. Or in my husband’s case, his dishonesty was rooted in a skewed and flawed identity. He told himself a false narrative about who he was (or wasn’t), and as we all know, our behavior always reflects our thoughts. More on that later.

Experiences, upbringing, cultural norms, and societal expectations profoundly influence human behavior. Sometimes, individuals may have grown up in environments where open communication was not encouraged, making it difficult to express themselves honestly later in life. Additionally, societal pressure to maintain a façade of perfection can drive individuals to conceal their imperfections or issues.

The Dangerous Combination of Lack of Awareness and Secrets

It’s important to note that the intent behind keeping secrets isn’t always malicious. In many instances, individuals may be unaware of the potential harm that withholding information can cause the relationship. They may underestimate minor omissions’ impact or believe the truth is inconsequential.

Unfortunately, this lack of awareness often leads to unintended consequences, gradually chipping away at the foundation of trust and intimacy within the relationship. Over time, accumulating these undisclosed truths can create an emotional chasm, making it challenging to bridge the divide.

We can cultivate a relationship based on open communication by acknowledging and addressing what drives secret-keeping and the psychological underpinnings.

The Destructive Power of Hidden Truths: Secrets Are Relationship Landmines

The profound analogy of secrets being akin to hidden landmines within a relationship illustrates the detrimental impact of concealing truths. Just as a landmine remains hidden beneath the surface, secrets stay buried, accumulating pressure and potential devastation over time.

Imagine a relationship as a field, seemingly peaceful on the surface, where love, trust, and understanding grow. Unbeknownst to each other, each secret you keep resembles planting a landmine. Initially, these buried truths might seem harmless, too small to cause concern. Yet, with time, as more secrets are withheld, the pressure and potential for detonation build.

The Building Pressure of Secrets

Every undisclosed secret adds to the pressure beneath the surface, slowly eroding the foundation of trust that your relationship was built upon. The more secrets that are buried, the more unstable the ground becomes. Eventually, the pressure reaches a critical point where even a seemingly insignificant revelation can trigger an explosion, causing severe harm to the relationship.

These explosions manifest as breaches of trust, emotional breakdowns, and a loss of intimacy. The aftermath is a fractured relationship, scarred by the detonation of concealed truths. The erosion of trust is often irreversible, leaving partners grappling with the emotional fallout, struggling to rebuild what was once a solid and loving connection.

The Power of Secrets as Relationship Landmines

Understanding the destructive power of hidden truths is essential for healthy relationships. It serves as a stark reminder that even seemingly inconsequential secrets have the potential to accumulate, leading to irreparable damage. Recognizing the gravity of this analogy urges us to prioritize open communication, honesty, and transparency in our relationships. By doing so, we can ensure that our relationship landscape remains clear of hidden dangers, fostering a foundation of trust and love that can withstand the test of time.

Impact on Trust and Intimacy: Secrets Are Relationship Landmines

How does keeping secrets impact a relationship’s two most crucial pillars: trust and intimacy? As secrets persist, their silent presence gradually erodes the foundation upon which a healthy relationship thrives.

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. It’s the belief that one can rely on their partner, that they are truthful and forthcoming.

When secrets are introduced into this equation, the delicate balance of trust is disrupted. Initially, the impact may be subtle and hardly noticeable. However, as time passes, the erosion becomes more pronounced.

Each secret harbored is like a crack in the trust that partners share. These hairline fractures might go unnoticed at first, but they weaken the structure of the relationship. As more secrets accumulate, these cracks deepen and spread, causing emotional distance between partners. Trust, once robust and unshakable, becomes fragile and brittle.

Secrets: The Silent Killer of Intimacy

Intimacy, which flourishes in an atmosphere of trust and vulnerability, is also profoundly affected. Intimacy is about sharing fears, desires, and dreams. It’s the ability to connect on a deeper level. It’s about being seen and heard wholly for who we are.

When secrets persist, the genuine connection necessary for intimacy diminishes. Partners may become guarded and hesitant to fully open up, fearing the consequences of revealing their hidden truths. Ultimately, the accumulation of secrets can lead to a breakdown in the emotional closeness between partners. As trust and intimacy diminish, the emotional connection weakens, and partners may feel isolated, unable to bridge the growing gap.

Recognizing the detrimental impact of secrets on trust and intimacy is vital. It’s a stark reminder of the importance of honesty and openness in a relationship. Maintaining trust and intimacy requires a conscious effort to foster an environment where partners can share their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. By prioritizing open communication and creating a safe space for dialogue, couples can fortify the pillars of trust and intimacy, ensuring a relationship that is not only strong but also emotionally fulfilling and satisfying.

Communication: The Bridge of Trust and Intimacy

What now? I’ve painted a pretty grim picture of secrets’ damaging effects on relationships. Now, we’ll dive into the crucial role of open communication as the bedrock of trust and intimacy within a relationship. Effective communication is the lifeblood that nourishes the connection between you and your partner. Unfortunately, struggling couples have the wrong conversations about the wrong things.

Open communication is like building a sturdy and reliable bridge. It is transparent, allowing a clear view of one another’s feelings and perspectives.

Communication: The Foundation of Trust and Intimacy

Trust is inherently linked to communication. When you both communicate openly and honestly, trust is established and nurtured. Sharing thoughts and feelings demonstrates vulnerability and a willingness to be authentic. This vulnerability, when reciprocated, forms the basis of a trusting relationship.

Additionally, effective communication allows for the resolution of conflicts and misunderstandings. It provides a platform to voice your concerns, enabling you to find common ground and better understand each other’s needs. When conflicts are resolved through open dialogue, trust is reinforced and strengthens your relationship.

Intimacy, too, thrives on communication. Meaningful and deep connections can only be established when you openly communicate your desires, fears, and dreams. Intimacy requires vulnerability that is only possible through clear and sincere communication.

In conclusion, open communication is the lifeblood of a healthy and thriving relationship. It is the foundation upon which trust is built and intimacy deepens.

Breaking the Silence: Strategies for Change

It’s time for some action steps. In this critical segment, I provide actionable strategies to break the silence and foster honesty and openness within your relationship. The goal is to empower you with practical approaches that dismantle the allure of keeping secrets, establishing a culture of trust and transparency.

The Seven Primal Questions:

The Primal Question is the thing underneath the thing that drives everything. If you don’t address your childhood wounds, your relationship will. Most relationships fail because the couple was in a relationship with each other’s trauma and triggers, not each other. If your partner continues to answer “No” or “Maybe” to your Primal Question, that, too, will lead to brokenness in your relationship. The Primal Question is the command center for your life and your relationships. Smart couples focus on the unmet need, not the behavior. Learn more about The Seven Primal Questions and their impact on your relationships HERE.

Active Listening

Encourage active listening as a fundamental communication tool. Encourage partners to fully engage in conversations, giving each other undivided attention. This entails focusing on the speaker, understanding their perspective, and responding thoughtfully, fostering an environment of trust and openness.

Create a Safe Space

Establishing a safe and judgment-free space for sharing is crucial. You should feel comfortable expressing your thoughts and emotions without fear of criticism or reprisal. This safe space encourages open dialogue and promotes an honest exchange of feelings and concerns.

Practice Vulnerability

Encourage vulnerability by sharing personal feelings, fears, and aspirations. Being vulnerable fosters trust and authenticity in your relationship. When one partner takes the courageous step to share, it often inspires the other to reciprocate, creating a deeper emotional connection. I suggest that my clients practice vulnerability by giving their partner specific ways they feel their partner is saying “No” to their Primal Question.

Seek Professional Guidance

When faced with significant challenges in the relationship or struggling to break the silence, seeking professional help can be instrumental. Couples coaching provides a structured and supportive environment for both partners to communicate openly and address underlying issues.

Schedule Regular Check-Ins

Establish a routine for regular check-ins where you can discuss your feelings, concerns, and the state of the relationship. Scheduled check-ins provide a dedicated time for open communication, ensuring that important matters are not overlooked or brushed aside.

Practice Mindfulness

Encourage mindfulness in communication by being present and aware of one’s emotions and reactions. Mindfulness helps you respond thoughtfully rather than impulsively, promoting healthier and more constructive conversations.

Breaking the silence and fostering openness in your relationships is an ongoing endeavor. By implementing these strategies, you can proactively cultivate a culture of trust, transparency, and communication within your relationship. Ultimately, the aim is to create a strong and enduring bond where secrets have no place and love and understanding prevail.

Rebuilding After Revelation: Navigating the Fallout

Let’s address the aftermath of revealing a secret within a relationship. When a concealed truth is brought to light, it often sparks a profound emotional upheaval. It requires a delicate and intentional approach to rebuild trust and navigate the challenges of newfound transparency.

Acknowledge and Validate Emotions

After revealing a secret, both of you must acknowledge and validate the emotions you are experiencing. Understanding and accepting these emotions allows for a healthier processing of the situation, whether it’s shock, anger, hurt, or confusion.

Open and Honest Dialogue

Encourage an open and honest dialogue in your relationship. Express your thoughts, feelings, and concerns without interruption or judgment. This dialogue should facilitate understanding and empathy, creating a path for healing.

Practice Empathy and Understanding

Empathy is pivotal during this phase. Strive to put yourselves in each other’s shoes, understanding the reasons behind the actions that led to the revelation of the secret. This empathy helps in rebuilding the connection and fostering forgiveness.

Rebuilding Trust Through Consistency

Rebuilding trust takes time and consistent effort. The partner who revealed the secret should demonstrate through actions and words that they are committed to openness and honesty moving forward. Consistency in this commitment reassures the other partner and rebuilds the trust that may have been shattered.

Seek Professional Help if Necessary

Again, in some cases, the emotional fallout from revealing a significant secret may necessitate the help of a relationship coach. Professional guidance can provide a structured, safe environment to navigate challenges and rebuild the relationship.

Set Clear Expectations

Establish clear expectations for the future of the relationship. Openly communicate your needs, boundaries, and expectations to ensure the relationship can progress healthily and constructively. I suggest that my clients practice setting clear expectations by giving their partner specific ways their partner can say “Yes” to their Primal Question. Providing clear expectations sets you both up for a roadmap of meeting each other’s needs.

Navigating the fallout after revealing a secret requires immense patience, understanding, and love from you both. By prioritizing open communication, empathy, and a commitment to rebuild, you can emerge from this challenging phase with a stronger and more resilient relationship. We’re living proof!

The Role of Forgiveness and Healing

Let’s go to school really quick! I want us to learn a little about forgiveness together. Why? Because it has been nothing short of transformative in our relationship. Forgiveness plays a vital role in the healing process, acting as a catalyst for restoring trust, intimacy, and the overall sense of connection between you and your partner. Grab your journal, take some notes, and let’s jump into it!

Understanding Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a deliberate decision to relinquish resentment and the desire for revenge or punishment toward an individual who has caused hurt or harm. It’s a choice to release negative emotions and move towards emotional healing and reconciliation.

Restoring Trust

Forgiveness is intricately linked to the restoration of trust within a relationship. When a partner is willing to forgive, it signifies their willingness to rebuild the trust that may have been damaged due to the revelation of a secret. It allows the healing process to commence and offers an opportunity to strengthen the relationship.

Fostering Intimacy

Forgiveness is a fundamental element in fostering intimacy within a relationship. When one forgives, it signifies a willingness to be vulnerable and open, creating a conducive environment for a deeper emotional connection. This vulnerability is the essence of intimacy, allowing partners to be genuine and honest.

Rebuilding Emotional Connection

Forgiveness is a bridge to rebuild the emotional connection that the revelation of a secret may have strained. By forgiving, partners can let go of past grievances, enabling them to focus on rebuilding their relationship with a fresh perspective and a renewed commitment to each other.

Facilitating Communication

Forgiveness encourages open communication by removing the barriers created by resentment and anger. It allows partners to express their feelings and concerns more effectively, promoting a healthier dialogue that can lead to a more understanding and empathetic relationship.

Promoting Growth and Resilience

When forgiveness is extended and accepted, it promotes personal growth and resilience within the relationship. Partners learn from the experience, gaining insight into their behaviors and the relationship dynamics. This newfound understanding can help them navigate future challenges with a stronger foundation.

Empowering the Relationship:

Forgiveness is a powerful tool that empowers the relationship to overcome adversity and grow stronger. It allows partners to move forward, leaving the past behind, and work towards a future built on trust, love, and understanding.

In conclusion, forgiveness is not just an act of kindness; it’s a vital element for a healthy and thriving relationship. By embracing forgiveness, you can heal and restore your connection, paving the way for a renewed sense of trust, intimacy, and a more in-depth bond.

Warning Signs: Recognizing a Relationship on the Brink

All relationships can be difficult at times, but they should not repeatedly be destructive to your well-being with malicious intent.

It’s completely fine to recognize harmful actions and concerning behaviors directed towards us, per biblical teachings. It’s not against Christian principles to expect people to treat us healthily. By learning what is acceptable and what is not, what we are willing to tolerate, and what is a warning sign, as well as developing greater self-awareness, we can cultivate healthier relationships that benefit ourselves and God’s glory.

Let’s shed some light on the warning signs that signal a relationship may be on the brink due to the presence of secrets. Recognizing these signs is essential, as it allows you to take proactive steps to address the issue and prevent further harm to the relationship. Identifying these red flags early on can be crucial for healing and strengthening the relationship.

Increased Distance and Emotional Detachment

One of the primary warning signs of a relationship in jeopardy due to secrets is a noticeable increase in emotional distance between partners. When one or both partners withdraw or become detached emotionally, it could indicate that secrets undermine the closeness that once existed.

Breakdown in Communication

Communication is the lifeblood of a healthy relationship. It’s a red flag when open and honest communication diminishes or conversations consistently evade important topics. Secrecy often leads to a breakdown in communication, as partners may fear addressing the hidden truths.

Suspicion and Distrust

Trust erodes when partners become suspicious of each other’s actions or intentions. Suspicion arises when there’s a lack of transparency, and secrets can fuel these doubts, causing a rift in the relationship.

Unexplained Changes in Behavior

Unexplained changes in a partner’s behavior, habits, or routines can indicate something is amiss. Drastic alterations without adequate explanation or transparency may imply that secrets are being kept.

Sudden Defensiveness and Avoidance

Defensive behavior or consistently avoiding discussions about specific topics may be a reaction to harboring a secret. A partner becoming defensive or unwilling to engage in open conversations can strain the relationship further.

Lack of Emotional Intimacy

Secrets can hinder emotional intimacy, causing a disconnect between partners. If one or both partners struggle to express emotions or share vulnerable moments, it’s a warning sign that something obstructs the relationship’s emotional closeness.

Unresolved Conflicts and Tension

Continuous unresolved conflicts and escalating tension within the relationship may indicate underlying issues. When these issues remain unaddressed due to secrecy, they can become a persistent source of strain and discord.

Recognizing these warning signs is crucial for promptly addressing the underlying problems. When individuals are aware of these red flags, they can work towards fostering an environment of trust, open communication, and transparency, ultimately saving the relationship from potential devastation caused by secrecy. Open dialogue, understanding, and seeking professional help, when needed, can pave the way toward healing and revitalizing the relationship.


That wasn’t the first time my husband and I encountered secrets in our marriage. I wish we had known the importance of not keeping secrets. But even more so, I wish we had known the importance of healing our trauma, so we could show up in our relationship as the best version of ourselves. My husband fought for years with self-doubt and lies about not feeling good enough. However, he sought professional help and worked on growing himself. We learned to communicate effectively and answer our Primal Questions with an emphatic “YES!” We practiced forgiveness and committed to growing ourselves daily. It was hard work, and there were seasons I didn’t think we would make it. But after almost three decades of marriage, I can attest that it IS deeper, stronger, and more enjoyable than ever. If you’re at a crossroads in your relationship and wondering if it has a chance, schedule your FREE 30-minute session with me. We’ll see if what I do for my clients is a good fit.

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  1. My god. First of all, a massive congrats for making your marage work. Secrets are the worst betrayal in a relationship but thank god your husband reached for professional help when needed.

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I'm Jennifer Johnson

I am a coach, writer, and speaker.

Having been married for 28 years, I have experienced the difficulties that arise when unexpected hardships and pain cause erosion of trust and intimacy. The resulting feelings of despair and fear can be overwhelming and hard to overcome.

Luckily you don’t have to figure it out alone. With my 11+ years of coaching women and my experience transforming my broken marriage into a flourishing and passionate relationship, I know what it takes to help women reframe and rebuild the life they want.

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