Mother's Day Musings
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Hiking Alone for Mother’s Day: Raw Musings on Motherhood

Mother’s Day. Pastel cards and bright flowers scatter the stores for last-minute efforts to shower moms with tokens of appreciation. Mother’s Day is supposed to be the one day a year we are acknowledged as mothers. But why do I feel so despondent this year? Why does it feel like one of the most sad…

How to Build Recreational Intimacy in Your Marriage

How to Build Recreational Intimacy in Your Marriage

Andy and I have been married for 28 years. During this time, we have experienced two significant breaking points. We were unsure if our marriage would survive the intense pain and betrayal we both felt. While repairing our relationship, we focused on reframing our thoughts. Instead of dwelling on what was wrong, we concentrated on…

Why Secrets Are Relationship Landmines: Breaking the Silence

Why Secrets Are Relationship Landmines: Breaking the Silence

We had been married for two years and had just brought home our first puppy. Our house was brimming with excitement and cuteness overload from our baby golden retriever’s puppy rolls, wet nose, and floppy ears. As our friends and family giggled while they played with him in the backyard, I slipped away to grab…

Marriage Problems

The Seven Primal Questions: Hidden Forces That Drive Your Marriage

Have you ever wondered why something your husband does (or repeatedly does) bothers you and sends you into a spiral of destructive behavior? Well, buckle up! I have something that will change everything for you! How I Discovered the Seven Primal Questions As usual, I listened to a podcast by Donald Miller on my daily…

The Six Types of Intimacy: Cultivate a Stronger Marriage

The Six Types of Intimacy: Cultivate a Stronger Marriage

Welcome to ‘The Six Types of Intimacy: Cultivate a Stronger Marriage,’ where we journey through the intricate layers of marital connection. My clients often come to me after they’ve been focused on what is wrong with their marriage and spouse for some time. One of the first places I begin our work is focusing on…

69 Playful Date Ideas to Bring the Fun Back Into Your Marriage

69 Playful Date Ideas to Bring the Fun Back Into Your Marriage

69 Playful Date Ideas to Bring the Fun Back Into Your Marriage Are you looking for playful date ideas for your marriage? How did I know? Because our Living Reframed community is incredible, that’s how! I recently made a Facebook Post about introducing play back into your marriage, and you guys asked specifically for ideas….