69 Playful Date Ideas to Bring the Fun Back Into Your Marriage

69 Playful Date Ideas to Bring the Fun Back Into Your Marriage

Are you looking for playful date ideas for your marriage? How did I know? Because our Living Reframed community is incredible, that’s how! I recently made a Facebook Post about introducing play back into your marriage, and you guys asked specifically for ideas. This is why I LOVE this community; We’re building it together! So let’s jump into our post about 69 playful date ideas to bring the fun back into your marriage!

Before We Jump Into the Playful Date Ideas

Welcome to my guide of fun-filled 69 playful date ideas to bring the fun back into your marriage! Why 69 ideas? First, this entire post is about PLAYFULNESS, and that number is sure fun! And, well, because I’m immature and love to surprise you and lighten things up. Offended? You shouldn’t bookmark my blog or subscribe to my weekly newsletter. I’m here to simultaneously have fun and tackle serious issues in your life and marriage. Everything in this world is too serious, and that’s the last thing you, my beautiful friend, need. In fact, let’s back up… allow me to introduce myself, so we can get to know each other better.

Importance of Playfulness in a Marriage

Amid our busy lives, it’s easy to fall into routines and forget the fun moments that initially brought us together. When Andy and I started dating, we had so much fun. Playfulness ruled our flirtation and chemistry. We were like little kids teasing, challenging, and bantering with each other. Injecting playfulness and spontaneity into your relationship can reignite the spark that was there at the beginning and strengthen the bond between you and your partner.

Whether you’re newlyweds who want to build a strong foundation or seasoned partners craving a reframe, I have compiled an extensive list of playful date ideas to inspire laughter, play, and a sense of adventure. From simple and budget-friendly activities to extravagant and unique experiences, there’s something for every couple looking to infuse their relationship with joy and excitement.

Fun date ideas

About This Blog Post of Playful Date Ideas

My handpicked selection of date ideas covers various categories, ranging from outdoor adventures to romantic escapades, from games and competitions to nostalgic activities that will transport you back to your childhood. Some of these are Andy and my favorites, and some we’ve never done ourselves! But that’s where the LR community comes in! I want feedback on which ones you try, and together, we can create an even better list. And who knows, YOU may even add to the list!

Rekindling the Spark and Strengthening the Bond

These playful ideas can reignite your flame! I can’t emphasize this enough… playing together can dissipate a lot of the tension that builds up. One of my favorite things is watching my husband in his element, like when we flyfish together. He is exceptionally skilled in the craft of flyfishing. Entering his world and allowing him to teach me how to fish is a beautiful and powerful experience. It always increases my attraction and desire for him.

So, whether you’re ready to embark on a wild adventure, create magical memories, or indulge in lighthearted moments, join me as we explore 69 playful date ideas! They will invigorate your marriage and remind you of the joy and happiness that brought you together in the first place. Let the excitement begin!

Playful Date Ideas for the Outdoor Adventurist

Since we live in Montana, most of our playful dates are outside. Whether we’re snowshoeing or skiing in the winter or hiking to beautiful waterfalls in the summer. Here are some playful date ideas in nature!

Exploring Nature
  1. Hiking and nature walks
  2. Picnic in the park
  3. Beach day and water sports
  4. Fly-fishing
  5. Camping in the wilderness
  6. Skinny-dipping
  7. Adrenaline-pumping activities
  8. Zip-lining and rope courses
  9. Rock climbing or bouldering
  10. Kayaking or canoeing
  11. Paddleboarding, wakeboarding, or tubing
  12. Bungee jumping
  13. Skydiving
  14. Whitewater rafting

Playful Date Ideas for the Romantic

What girl doesn’t love a little romance? Add a little spice to these playful date ideas and role-play. You can read more about that here. It’s common to experience a loss of motivation and energy to keep “trying.” When we start dating, it’s natural to focus on looking and feeling sexy. The entire process helps prepare us to be more receptive to romance. But what about 2–3 kids and a decade into marriage? Do we still put the energy in? Let me give you an example: 15 years into marriage, and one evening your husband comes home from work with roses and has a special date planned… But you’re still in your bathrobe with your hair up in a messy bun and haven’t shaved for a week. How receptive are you to a playful, romantic date? The chances are slim. Instead, let’s prioritize self-care and try to look and feel good, which can enhance romance in our relationships.

Intimate Dining Experiences
  1. Candlelit dinner at home
  2. Rooftop or garden dining
  3. Cooking together and trying new recipes
  4. Themed picnics
  5. Progressive Blindfold Dinner Date (Blindfold your spouse and drive to the first stop for drinks, second stop for appetizers, third stop for the entrée, and fourth stop for dessert.)
  6. Beach sunset picnic
  7. Rooftop stargazing with a telescope
  8. Camping under the stars (This can be in the backyard or the back of your truck.)

Playful Date Ideas for the Competitor

Ohhhh. We LOVE a little competition. When we were first married, competitive play drove our flirtation and connection. If you’re both competitive, remember to keep it PLAYFUL. No need to throw the chessboard across the room or storm out after losing your 5th round of Mexican Train. Keep it lighthearted, but don’t shy away from a playful competition.

Game Nights at Home
  1. Board and card games (Naked Twister and Strip Poker are always fun.)
  2. Video game tournaments
  3. Puzzles and brain-teasers
  4. Mini-golf or bowling competitions
  5. Dominos down the hallway
  6. Sports Activities
  7. Tennis, badminton, or pickleball
  8. Basketball or soccer
  9. Join a co-ed softball team
  10. Swimming races or water balloon fights
  11. Skiing, snowboarding, or snowshoeing

Playful Date Ideas with a Touch of Nostalgia

  1. List your favorite childhood activities and compare them with your partner. Choose a few to plan for your next playful date.
  2. Build sandcastles
  3. Roller skate or ice skate
  4. Play with water balloons or bubbles
  5. Movie marathon with classic films
  6. Visiting amusement parks or fairs
  7. Create a personalized scavenger hunt for each other

Playful Date Ideas with Cultural and Intellectual Activities

Pursuing cultural and intellectual activities on date night will challenge you and bring out your creativity. Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. It’s even more fun when you’re BOTH feeling awkward.

Cultural and Intellectual Activities
  1. Arts and crafts
  2. Collaborative storytelling sessions
  3. Attend live theater and musical performances
  4. Art gallery tours
  5. Visit local wineries or breweries
  6. Attend a wine or beer festival
  7. Participate in improv shows or open mic nights
Learn New Skills Together
  1. Pottery or painting classes
  2. DIY projects and crafts
  3. Photography or scrapbooking sessions
  4. Dancing lessons
  5. Cooking classes
  6. Learn a musical instrument
  7. Language lessons
  8. Sushi-making or cocktail-mixing classes

Playful Date Ideas that Include Wellness and Fitness

What could be more appealing than exercising with your spouse? It’s incredible to engage in self-care and exercise together as a couple.

  1. Couples’ spa day or wellness retreat
  2. Yoga or meditation sessions
  3. Couples’ workout or fitness challenges
  4. Lift at the gym together
  5. Complete a marathon, Mud Run, or fun run

Playful Date Ideas that Include Travel

  1. Road trip to a new destination or local town
  2. Explore a foreign city together

Playful Date Ideas that Include Giving Back

  1. Join a community service project
  2. Volunteer at a local charity organization
  3. Participate in a fundraising event

Playful Date Ideas that Include Parties

  1. Host a Halloween party and dress Up
  2. Host a Murder Mystery party
  3. Host a themed party that includes dressing up
  4. Organize a blind wine or beer tasting at home

In Conclusion

Selecting activities that resonate with you and your partner’s interests and preferences is key. Mix and match from the list above or create unique ideas to customize your playful date experiences. Don’t forget to email me what you’ve added to your list. Please share your favorite moments and tell me how these ideas have revitalized your marriage. Let’s create a world where laughter and playfulness thrive in every relationship.

Start today, and let the adventure unfold.

For more ideas to increase the intimacy in your marriage, check out these posts:

How to Fix a Sexless Marriage: 21 Tips to Reignite the Spark

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I'm Jennifer Johnson

I am a coach, writer, and speaker.

Having been married for 28 years, I have experienced the difficulties that arise when unexpected hardships and pain cause erosion of trust and intimacy. The resulting feelings of despair and fear can be overwhelming and hard to overcome.

Luckily you don’t have to figure it out alone. With my 11+ years of coaching women and my experience transforming my broken marriage into a flourishing and passionate relationship, I know what it takes to help women reframe and rebuild the life they want.

Schedule your discovery call today, and let’s talk. Click HERE.


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