Mother’s Day. Pastel cards and bright flowers scatter the stores for last-minute efforts
I empower you to transform your marriage.
Personalized coaching to build lasting trust and intimacy
One-on-One Coaching
Online Workshops
Things Need to Change but You Don’t Know Where to Start
Without action, things will stay the same.
Your marriage will stay disconnected and hopeless
You'll never experience the depth of intimacy you desire
You'll regret not giving everything you can to restore your family
You'll continue to struggle with the insecurity that plagues your relationships
It doesn’t have to be this way. Learn to reframe your life and start your healing journey.
The Power of Reframing
Without deliberate effort, marriages will grow apart over time. While this is common, seeking help is not. (Be proud of yourself!) I am here to guide you through the process and offer support. Although it won't happen overnight, you will eventually experience more peace, joy, and unity in your marriage once you learn the power of reframing. You'll wake up with a renewed sense of purpose and optimism. The best part of this journey is that you'll gain unshakable confidence, regardless of how your marriage progresses.
It will likely be one of the BEST investments you can make in your marriage and yourself. The confidence and trust in myself that l've already gained is priceless... I wish I had someone like Jen in my life way before I got married (or even dated anyone), but I'm so glad I found her now!
Having someone wise whom you can trust to navigate vulnerable conversations with is the biggest blessing!
- Laura M, California, USA
Getting Started Is Easy
You can take the Primal Question Assessment HERE. It only takes a few minutes but will provide clarity and the next best steps based on your specific primal Question.
In a FREE 30-minute session, we'll define your question and dive deeper into your next steps. You'll have a chance to share your story and see if what I do for my clients is a good fit for you.
Begin Your Healing and Restoration
In six months, you will not recognize yourself or your marriage. You will move from uncertainty to unwavering confidence. Your marriage can be one of your proudest accomplishments.
marriage can be challenging
Having been married for 28 years, I have experienced the difficulties that arise when unexpected hardships and pain cause erosion of trust and intimacy. The resulting feelings of despair and fear can be overwhelming and hard to overcome.
Luckily you don't have to figure it out alone. With my 11+ years of coaching women and my experience transforming my broken marriage into a flourishing and passionate relationship, I know what it takes to help women reframe and rebuild the life they want.
Schedule your discovery call today, and let's talk. Simply click HERE.
Intimacy is so much more than sex
Did you know that there are six distinct types of intimacy?
Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses in intimacy as a couple by taking this straightforward assessment. It’s not science but super simple and will give you much insight into where to focus. And remember, we all have weak areas! My job as your coach will be to guide you in strengthening your intimacy in all six areas.
What Others Say
I sought counseling from a pastor, but Jennifer connected with me on a more personal and relatable level. Through her coaching, I reprogrammed and replaced my fearful thoughts with the truth. Her guidance gave me the tools I needed to transform my life. As a result, I now have a newfound confidence that I never thought was possible! I highly recommend Jennifer's coaching to any woman, regardless of whether or not they are married.
Dusti S.
Mississippi, USA
Book the appointment! I'm beyond grateful that I took the leap and booked the 30-minute call. Jen has been a God-send during a very trying time. Even when I think I have an update that will blow her socks off, she shocks me and provides me a new way to reframe the situation and find the ultimate resolution. My family even remarks on how much lighter I seem after my coaching sessions.
Sabrina L.
California, USA
There have been SO MANY breakthroughs! Jen helped me discover my Primal Question, which has explained so much about my life and how I view the world. It was like tumblers in a lock finally turned and opened my eyes to what I was looking for.
Julie B
New York, USA
I am a Certified Primal Question coach, writer, and speaker. I’m madly in love with my husband of 27 years. We met when I was 17 years old, and he was 23. We fell FAST and HARD for each other. Two weeks after we married, we set out on our first adventure to live in Montana. With just our cars and a small Uhaul truck filled with random furniture from our parents, we said goodbye to everyone we knew to start our journey to a place neither had been to... Read More
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How to Build Recreational Intimacy in Your Marriage
Andy and I have been married for 28 years. During this time, we
Why Secrets Are Relationship Landmines: Breaking the Silence
We had been married for two years and had just brought home our
Begin Your Healing and Transformation Today!
Take my FREE Couples Intimacy Assessment!
Couples Intimacy Assessment
Discover your strengths and weaknesses in intimacy.
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