The Benefits of Alone Time for Moms: From Chaos to Calm

Your days can often feel like a whirlwind of chaos as a mom. Finding peace and quiet can be challenging, from getting the kids ready for school to managing the household. However, carving out some alone time for yourself can work wonders for your mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being. In fact, studies have shown the benefits of alone time can improve brain function, reduce stress, and increase creativity.

This Post Is About the Benefit of Alone Time for Moms

In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of alone time for moms, and provide practical tips for finding moments of solitude in your busy schedule. From self-care practices to time management strategies, we’ll cover everything you need to know to transform from stressed to serene. So sit back, take a deep breath, and let’s discover the power of alone time together.

Importance of Solitude for Mental Health

Story Time

That’s it… I’m done. I will either be admitted into a mental hospital (The thought crossed my mind.) Or I will check out emotionally for the rest of my mommy-hood.

Sitting in child’s pose with clenched fists, I slammed the floor as hard as possible. My heavy head tucked into my chest as my disheveled hair stuck to my tear-soaked cheeks. Finally, I screamed, “This is not what I had in mind when I said I wanted to be a Mommy!!”

Veins throbbed in my neck, and my throat felt raw from screaming at God. I couldn’t hear, feel, or even detect His presence in my house, let alone my heart. I thought I did everything I was supposed to. I married a Christian man. We were tithing, attending church every Sunday, hosting small groups, etc. I was doing my fifteen minutes of devotions every day. (15 years later, I realized the ridiculousness of my gumball machine God. That’s for another post on another day.)

Christian moms never feel this way, right? If my faith was genuine… Why was I done with being a mom? The one role I begged God to allow me to experience; why did I feel like I was teetering over the edge? In this split second…this moment, on my knees with clenched fists… I hated being a mommy.

Maybe you’ve had those moments when there appears to be a mountain…a great divide between where you are and where God is, where you want to be, and what reality actually feels like. So, we think we need to do more work, do good deeds, or be better moms.

The problem is: We’re staring at a mountain that isn’t there. God is never far from you­—you don’t need to do more or be more.

The simple reality is that you may need some alone time away from the constant needs of your family and life. Possibly, you can’t hear God because too much noise and chatter distracts you?

The Science of Alone Time: How It Affects the Brain and Body

The benefits of alone time for moms are not just anecdotal – there is a wealth of scientific evidence to support the positive effects of solitude on the brain and body. For example, research has shown that taking time for yourself can improve cognitive function, reduce stress levels, and boost creativity. In addition, alone time can help regulate emotions and improve overall mental health. By understanding the science behind the benefits of alone time, you can feel more confident in prioritizing this vital aspect of your self-care routine.

Time Management Tips: Finding Moments of Solitude in a Busy Schedule

One of the greatest challenges for moms when finding alone time is simply finding the time in a busy schedule. I used to say I didn’t have time to be alone; however, I didn’t make the time or try to get creative with my intentionality.

Be Intentional With Your Schedule

With some strategic time management and prioritization, it is possible to carve out moments of solitude even amid a chaotic day. This post section will explore time management tips and strategies for prioritizing alone time, including scheduling time for yourself, delegating tasks, and setting boundaries.

Scheduling Time for Yourself

Okay, I know what you’re going to say… “Jen, how can I find time for myself when I can’t even complete my to-do list?” I hear you, and I know the feeling. But the reality is that your to-do list will never be complete, and you’ll either schedule time for yourself, or sickness or a breakdown will schedule it for you.

You’re an organized mom, and you know when the kids have practices, games, concerts, etc. So if you can always make room for additional activities for them, it’s time to make room for you.

Delegating Tasks

Another effective strategy for finding alone time is delegating tasks to others. Whether asking a partner to take over some household duties or enlisting a babysitter to watch the kids for a few hours, delegating tasks can create more space for alone time in a busy schedule. It’s important to remember that it’s okay to ask for help when needed, and that taking care of yourself is not selfish or indulgent.

Setting Boundaries

Finally, setting boundaries is an essential component of making alone time a priority. Whether saying no to a social engagement or turning off your phone for an hour, setting boundaries protects your alone time and prioritizes your needs. While it may be uncomfortable to say no to others, it’s critical to remember that your well-being is worth protecting.

Self-Care Practices for Moms: Making the Most of Alone Time

Once you’ve found time for yourself, making the most of it is essential. In this post section, we’ll explore self-care practices that can help moms feel rejuvenated and refreshed during their alone time. From taking a relaxing bath to practicing meditation, we’ll cover a variety of self-care strategies that can help you make the most of your solitude.

Take a Relaxing Bath

After a long day of caring for the family, bathing can be an excellent way to unwind and have some alone time. Adding relaxing scents like lavender or eucalyptus to the bathwater can enhance the experience and create a spa-like atmosphere. In addition, soaking in a warm bath can help ease tension and stress and provide a moment of calm and relaxation.

Meditate or Pray

Another self-care practice to consider during your alone time is meditation and prayer. Meditation is a powerful tool for reducing stress and anxiety and can help you feel more centered and grounded. You can find guided meditations online or through meditation apps to help you get started, or sit silently and focus on your breath. My favorite Christian meditation app is Abide. It has soothing sounds, music, guided meditations, and breathing exercises with scripture. God’s word always centers me and reminds me of His truth and security. I love repeating Psalm 23 and other scriptures based on his steady faithfulness.

Move Your Body

Going for a walk alone, without the kids or husband, can be an excellent way for moms to clear their minds and enjoy some solitude in nature. Walking in a local park or hiking on a trail can provide a calming environment away from the chaos of everyday life. Being outside in the fresh air and nature always clears my mind and energizes me. (And some studies prove it!)

Moving your body, in general, can help release endorphins and boost your mood. You don’t need to spend hours at the gym to reap the benefits of movement; even a quick 15-minute walk can help you feel more energized and refreshed.


Journaling is one of my favorite ways to spend time alone. It helps you process your thoughts and feelings and have some quiet time for reflection. Whether it’s a daily gratitude journal or a journal for creative writing, writing down your thoughts and emotions can be a powerful way to connect with yourself and your innermost feelings.

By making the most of your time and prioritizing self-care, you can feel more rejuvenated and refreshed and better equipped to handle the challenges of daily life.

From Stressed to Serene: How Alone Time Can Improve Mental Health

As mentioned earlier, alone time can have a significant positive impact on mental health. In this post section, we’ll dive deeper into how alone time can help moms reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and boost overall mental wellness. By understanding how alone time can improve mental health, moms can feel empowered to prioritize this vital aspect of their self-care routine.

In addition to relaxation and reducing anxiety, alone time can provide a sense of control and agency in a busy and often chaotic life, which can help boost feelings of empowerment and confidence. When moms take the time to care for themselves, they are more likely to feel energized, refreshed, and focused. This can translate to improved productivity, better relationships, and a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Finding Your Passion: Using Alone Time for Self-Discovery

One of the lesser-known benefits of alone time is its opportunity for self-discovery. When we have a few moments to ourselves, we are free to explore our interests and passions without distraction. In this post section, we’ll examine ways moms can use alone time to explore their interests, rediscover their passions, and even try new hobbies.

As moms, it’s easy to fall into the trap of putting our interests and passions on the back burner.

With many responsibilities and demands, finding time to explore our interests and hobbies can be challenging. However, alone time can provide the perfect opportunity to do just that. When we have a few moments to ourselves, we are free to explore our passions and interests without the distraction of others.

Explore Your Interests and Passions

One way to use alone time for self-discovery is to reflect on what brings us joy and fulfillment. For example, maybe you’ve always wanted to learn how to paint or been curious about taking a dance class. Use your alone time to research these interests and explore them more deeply. You might be surprised at how fulfilling it can be to pursue something that truly speaks to your soul.

Try New Things

Another way to use alone time for self-discovery is to simply try new things. Use your alone time to step outside your comfort zone and try something you’ve never done before. This could be as simple as trying a new restaurant or as adventurous as taking a solo trip. By trying new things, you open yourself to new experiences and perspectives, which can help you grow and discover new things about yourself.

Overall, alone time provides a unique opportunity for moms to reconnect with their passions and explore new interests, which can ultimately lead to greater personal fulfillment and happiness.

Overcoming Mom Guilt: How Alone Time Can Benefit Your Family

Many moms feel guilty taking time for themselves, feeling they should spend every moment with their family instead. However, taking time for yourself can benefit your family eventually. In this post section, we’ll explore how alone time can benefit your family, from improving your mood and reducing stress to modeling self-care behaviors for your children.

Setting an Example of Alone Time

It’s common for moms to feel guilty about taking time for themselves. However, by prioritizing your self-care and alone time, you are setting a positive example for your children and modeling healthy behaviors they can carry into their lives.

Alone Time Helps You Handle Stress

One of the primary ways I noticed the benefits of alone time was my increased ability to handle stress. When you recharge and focus on yourself, you can better manage the demands and stressors of daily life. This means you will be better equipped to handle challenges and setbacks with patience and grace, which can positively impact your interactions with your family members.

Alone Time Helps You Be More Present

In addition to reducing stress levels, alone time can also help you become more present and engaged with your family when you spend time with them. When you have a few moments to yourself, you can reflect on your needs and priorities, which can help you be more intentional and focused when spending time with your loved ones.

Finding Fulfillment: Using Alone Time to Prioritize Your Needs

Despite the many benefits of alone time, many moms may still struggle with guilt, shame, or social pressures around taking time for themselves. In this post section, we’ll explore common obstacles that may arise when prioritizing alone time and provide tips and strategies for overcoming these challenges. From addressing negative self-talk to setting healthy boundaries with loved ones, we’ll help moms navigate any obstacles.

Expectations From Others

Social pressure or expectations from loved ones can stop us from pursuing alone time. Therefore, communicating your needs with your family and friends and setting boundaries around your alone time is essential. This can involve discussing specific times of day or week that you’ll dedicate to yourself, or asking for help with tasks or responsibilities that are causing you stress. It may also involve letting go of the idea that you have to do everything perfectly or that you need to be constantly available to your loved ones. By setting healthy boundaries and communicating your needs, you can ensure you have the time and space to prioritize your well-being.

As women, balance is not our target. Instead, the goal is to go to bed knowing we were effective at everything we did. Prioritizing your alone time and focusing on your intimacy with God instead of what the world is screaming at you is vital to feeling effective.

Embracing Solitude: How to Make Alone Time a Habit for Lasting Benefits

Finally, in this post section, we’ll explore practical tips and strategies for making alone time a regular part of your daily routine. By incorporating solitude into your everyday life, you can reap the many benefits of this crucial self-care practice without sacrificing other priorities. From creating a morning routine to setting a daily intention for solitude, we’ll help you make alone time a habit that sticks.

Wake Up Earlier

Incorporating alone time into your daily routine can be challenging, especially when you have a full schedule. However, with some simple tips and strategies, it is possible to make solitude a regular part of your day. One practical approach is to create a morning routine that includes some time for yourself. This could involve waking up thirty minutes before your family to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in silence, or taking a few moments to stretch or meditate before diving into your daily tasks. Starting your day with intentional alone time can set a positive tone for the rest of your day and help you stay centered and focused.

Schedule Your Alone Time

Another practical tip for making alone time a habit is to set a daily intention for solitude. This could involve scheduling a specific time each day for quiet reflection, such as right after lunch or before bed. You could also incorporate small moments of solitude throughout your day, such as taking a brief walk around the block or pausing for a few deep breaths before a big meeting or conversation. By setting a daily intention for alone time, you can make it a non-negotiable part of your routine, just like any other important task or responsibility.

No Social Media

Thank God there wasn’t Facebook back when my kids were itty bitty. It would have been too easy to “check out,” scrolling endlessly when I was alone or even when I was supposed to be present.

The comparison trap and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) are all too real when we scroll. So as you’re incorporating this new habit of alone time into your schedule, make sure you make it a rule to stay off your phone during those precious, rare moments you have with yourself. Furthermore, you might consider doing a digital detox.


In conclusion, alone time is a crucial aspect of self-care for moms. By prioritizing solitude, moms can reap many benefits, from reduced stress and anxiety to improved relationships with loved ones. In addition, alone time can reduce distractions and noise, allowing you to hear and sense God’s presence better. Whether you use your alone time to explore your passions, practice self-care, or relax and unwind, it’s essential to make this a regular part of your routine. So go ahead and schedule some alone time for yourself today, and see how it can transform your life as a mom. Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish – it’s vital.

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I'm Jennifer Johnson

I am a coach, writer, and speaker.

Having been married for 28 years, I have experienced the difficulties that arise when unexpected hardships and pain cause erosion of trust and intimacy. The resulting feelings of despair and fear can be overwhelming and hard to overcome.

Luckily you don’t have to figure it out alone. With my 11+ years of coaching women and my experience transforming my broken marriage into a flourishing and passionate relationship, I know what it takes to help women reframe and rebuild the life they want.

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