How to Tell My Husband I Love Him in a Letter

How to Tell My Husband I Love Him in a Letter

Have you ever wondered how to tell your husband you love him in a letter?  Congratulations on taking this step in your marriage. There’s something magical about expressing your love for your husband in this old-school way. They’ll feel appreciated and loved, and you’ll grow in your affection and desire. It will also deepen your…

How to Discipline your Teenager for Bad Grades

How to Discipline your Teenager for Bad Grades

There are many parenting philosophies when disciplining your toddler, child, or teenager. When you’re trying to figure out how to discipline your teenager for bad grades, you’re not alone if you find it confusing. As I began my motherhood journey, I learned to slow down, pray and be still when I felt overwhelmed with decisions….

Get Passion Back Into Your Marriage: 21 Simple Ways

Get Passion Back Into Your Marriage: 21 Simple Ways

Is your marriage lacking passion? It’s okay, friend. You’re not alone. I’m so excited to share with you 21 simple ways to get passion back into your marriage. When I was first married, my husband was so quiet. I found it mysterious and attractive. It was challenging to get to know him, and hardly anyone…

How to Practice Self-Care Using the Five Love Languages

How to Practice Self-Care Using the Five Love Languages

What Are the Five Love Languages? Have you ever wondered how you could apply the five love languages to self-care? Dr. Gary Chapman had relationships in mind when he wrote the book, The 5 Love Languages® book. The premise is simple: different people with different personalities give and receive love in different ways. By learning…

Total Gastrectomy: A Spouse’s Perspective

Total Gastrectomy: A Spouse’s Perspective

November is Stomach Cancer Awareness Month November is Stomach Cancer Awareness Month, so I thought it was fitting to share our story of my husband’s experience with the CDH1 gene mutation. In this post, I share an interview with the Beetin Genes sisters on Life After a Total Gastrectomy: The Spouse’s Perspective. Beetin Genes are…